<p>Hey there,</p>

<p>Today, I've got a story, backed by real numbers, about a costly Google Ads mistake.</p>

<p>A client spent over $2000 on a single keyword: "free autotune software" before working with me.</p>

<p>But I've got the fix!</p>

<p>Imagine this: You're running a music lesson platform, just like my client.</p>

<p>You're attracting subscribers, but turning them into paying customers is tough. Frustrating, right?</p>

<p>Here's the catch: My client used broad match keywords, hoping for magic.</p>

<p>But Google Ads isn't psychic; it's more like a tricky genie.</p>

<p>Instead of the right audience, her ads attracted clicks from people searching for "free autotune software."</p>

<p>Yes, they thought they'd get free tools, not lessons.</p>

<p>Why? Google Ads broad match casts a wide net but sometimes catches the wrong fish.</p>

<p>The algorithm decides where ads show, and neglecting keywords wastes money.</p>

<p>Now, the key: the "Search Terms" tab shows click-triggering words.</p>

<p>I check it first when diving into Google Ads.</p>

<p>Here's why it matters: The goal was free sign-ups, signaling Google's algorithm to bid more.</p>

<p>But my client attracted people expecting free software. They kept clicking, and Google's algorithm spent more.</p>

<p><strong>The solution:</strong> Start with phrase match keywords, add broad match keywords gradually, with negative keywords in phrase match.</p>

<p>Review the Search Terms tab, not just the keyword tab. This saves time and lets you control what your ads display.</p>

<p>It's about mastering broad match, not fighting it.</p>

<p>Focus on the Google Ads search terms report to find the best keywords.</p>

<p>Stay tuned for more tips to keep your Google Ads campaigns on track.</p>

<p>Talk to you soon!</p>

<p><strong>P.S.</strong> Several subscribers have asked about my services.</p>

<p>If you're interested or just want to see my goofy face, here's a link to my page: <a href="https://www.angelgentil.com">angelgentil.com</a></p>